Solo Photo Book Month was one of the most clever photography projects on the web. It is gone now. A creation of Paul Butzi, it survived from 2008 until 2011.
On 2 October 2011 this was posted on Twitter;
“SoFoBoMo is closing. Many thanks to all our friends, volunteers and participants. For a longer statement visit:”
The concept was the creation of photo books of 35 or more images/pages that was done in a flex month each year. The flex month was a one month period picked by the participant from the two month period picked for that year. The SoFoBoMo photographers assignment was to produce a photo book during a one month period within those two months.
It might sound easy or it may seem incredibly difficult but it was a great assignment for honing photographic and production skills. There were a lot of excellent photo books created and available as PDFs each year at at the end of the flex month. Participants were scattered all over the globe.
The web presence of Solo Photo Book Month is now limited to whatever remains on the participants web sites. What I produced in 2010 is probably typical. The themes picked by the participants vary so widely that no single Solo Photo Book can be said to be representative.
I chose to do all my photography at Prescott, Arizona’s “Tsunami On The Square” and the resulting book had this as a cover page . . .
The full photo book, as previously found at, is now available only here . . .
If you Google “sofobomo” you can turn up more of these photo books.
If you would like to take a look at some of the written output from Paul Butzi, that can be found at I think it was his article that reviewed the Zone VI (Fred Picker) modifications to the Pentax Spotmeter that led me to discover what was going on with Solo Photo Book Month.